Trekstor Usb Stick Me Driver
I knew of one nifty program that had helped me out a few times before, so I tried running the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool v2.1.8, but attempting to format the drive with this utility returned the following error message: There is no media in the specified device. Someone suggested using this thing called.
Hi, I bought the Trekstor Surf Tab Twin about a year ago and before today I haven't got any sort of problem. It's an excellent 2 in 1 Pc with win 10. But today when I turned it on I noticed that my keyboard didn't work properly so I tried to restart the pc, launch a diagnostic, restart from management list the keyboard and I also tried to reinstall the drivers from 0 but nothing could solve the problem. The error that windows give to me is 'requested device descriptor failed' code 43. I also tried to check if it was a physical problem trying to connect directly my keyboard to an other computer with an usb cable and it worked so i started to think that there is a problem with Windows. How can i solve it?? Thanks in advance for any solution.
Lorenzo Mazzola. Hi Lorenzo, One of the possible reasons why you are getting this keyboard issue is due to an outdated driver. We would like to know if you made any changes prior to the issue. You can also visit the manufacturer of your device to check for the latest driver of your keyboard. Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks for your reply, I didn't do any changes before the issue I just switched on the computer and I noticed that it didn't work.
I tried to visit the manufacturer's site and I downloaded the latest packet of driver but when I tried to use them Windows says that the new driver isn't correct for the device and so Win restore the previous one. I really don't understand where the problem is. Thanks in advance. We need to narrow down the keyboard issue you're experiencing. Kindly answer the following questions: • How are you connecting the keyboard to your computer? • Is it via USB cable? In the mean time, you can also try to use the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter.
Follow the steps below: • Right-click on the Start menu and click on Control Panel. • Select Hardware and Sound, then click on Configure a device.
• Follow the on-screen instructions. Looking forward to your reply. Janome Digitizer Mb Free. Thanks for your reply, The keyboard is connected to the computer by some kind of untraditional usb port with magnetic clips. It's like the keyboard of the Surface because it's a 2 in 1 device. I tried to connect the keyboard with a usb cable on another port but it doesn't works. If I connect the keyboard with the usb cable to another computer it works well. I tried to use the troubleshooter but it only detects the problem without being able to solve it.
Thanks for the time you are dedicating to me.